General options
Oversec will only show itself on top of apps that are enabled here.
Shows the [Config Button] (/buttons#button_config) that allows direct access to this config page.
Once you're done with the basic configuration, you can safely disable this button - you can still access the app config through the notification bar or through the main oversec app.
When checked, Oversec will not initially be shown when entering an Oversec-enabled app. You will have to tap on the (invisible) [Hide Button] (/buttons#button_hide) to show the Oversec screen overlay.
Shows the [Hide Button] (/buttons#button_hide) that allows to temporarily hide the Oversec screen overlay.
Hint: This buttons also doubles as Panic Button, so it's recommended to always keep this button enabled!
Shows the [Decrypt Button] (/buttons#button_decrypt) that allows to decrypt or clear the current input field.
Shows the [Compose Button] (/buttons#button_compose) that allows you do encrypt and paste text via the clipboard
Shows the [Camera Button] (/buttons#button_camera) that allows you do directly take and send encrypted photos
Visual appearance
Fine-Tune the visual appearance of the Oversec screen overlays - things like fonts, sizes, padding, colors, transparencies etc.
Extended and incubating options
En-/Disables the [Info Button] (/buttons#button_info) to display additional encryption information.
When enabled, tapping on an encrypted text will show detailed encryption info.
Warning: This might interfere with the UX of the underlying app, as it will not longer receive some tap events!
When enabled, long-tapping on an encrypted text will show detailed encryption info.
Warning: This might interfere with the UX of the underlying app, as it will not longer receive some long-tap events!
Show the [Encrypt Button] (/buttons#button_encrypt) next to the active input field.
(Decrypt button also won't show if encrypt button is not shown)
Shows or hides the [Encrypt Button] (/buttons#button_encrypt) when long-tapping on an input field.
Warning: This might interfere with the UX of the underlying app!
When a (password) input dialog is about to be shown in order to decrypt, show it immediately without asking the user first.
Show a permanent notification to control Oversec through the Android status bar.
Show the decrypted (plain) text right above an active input field, making it easier to manually review or edit the decoy text.
Allocates more vertical space for decrypted text if it doesn't fit into the space used by the encrypted text.
Warning: May obstruct parts of the underlying app.
If plain text contains line breaks, put equal number of breaks into the decoy text.
Warning: Leaks some (meta) information about the plaintext.
Add (at max) this number of random bytes before encrypting. This prevents an attacker from guessing the original message by the number of characters
Stores only one set of encryption parameters per app. This is intended for notes keeping apps only, it should not be enabled for communication apps, where Oversec will try to keep distinct parameters per thread or conversation.
When enabled, Oversec will never automatically reuse previous encryption parameters, but always show the encryption parameters screen before encrypting.
Performs more frequent and deeper screen reading. Produces a smoother UX at the cost of increased battery use.
Include views that are deemed as "Not Important". This is needed for a few apps only and it slows down Oversec and uses more battery!
Spread invisible characters within decoy text, rather than putting all of them at the beginning. This is needed for some apps like e.g. Instagram. As a consequence though, "manual padding" can not be used.